How to Install Striata Reader for Linux
Striata Reader opens statements with a .emc file extension. These instructions are for installing the tarball (tar gz) and making it work on KDE4. Debs and rpms are now available.
August 2014: These instructions relate to an older version of Striata and sadly, Jane isn't running Linux at the moment. Please contact her should they become obsolete.
Download latest version
Visit the Striata downloads page and ensure you have the latest version.
DO NOT use the rpm package from the Standard Bank website - it is obsolete!
Unpack the tarball either with the command line
or your graphical file manager, eg. Dolphin.
Using Dolphin: right-click on the package and select
'Extract Archive Here'. It will create a striata-reader subdirectory.
Open a terminal window and change to that subdirectory
cd download/striata-reader
Run install script:
sudo ./
Using the terminal from the start: Change to the directory where you downloaded the package
cd download
Unpack it:
tar -xzvf striata-reader-2.11-1.tar.gz
Change to the extracted subdirectory:
cd striata-reader
Run install script:
sudo ./
Afterwards, you may delete the striata-reader directory with no ill effects.
Click on the statement and, after entering your password, it will open in the default browser on your system.
Using KDE, to set your preferred browser to open your statement, go to Configure Desktop - Common Appearance and Behaviour - File Associations - Text - html - then arrow it to the top.
KDE 4 issue: Unfortunately, my statement opens in Konqueror, whereas I have set my desktop to prefer Firefox. I don't know if it is a problem with KDE (kfmclient) or xdg-open, or PCLinuxOS.
A fix for advanced users - edit the /usr/bin/xdg-open file. Go to line 330 (or so)
kfmclient openURL "$1"
and replace it with
kde-open "$1"
Run Striata from command line
Save your statement from your email. In the command line, change directory (cd) to where it is saved. Type striata-reader Statement.emc
Or, run it graphically, with striata-reader-gui:
Download it here, a small program written by Diederik Hattingh.
The .py filename extension means it is written in python, a programming language. It is dependent on having python-qt installed, but this should be standard on your Linux installation.
Striata-reader-gui does not need installing.
Run on the Command Line: python
Want to launch with one click? Add the command to your desktop. On the desktop, right-click and choose Create New...---> Link to Application. Fill in the name you want displayed. Select Application tab. Complete these two fields:
Command: python
Work Path:
This is assuming you saved the program to your home directory. If it is in a subdirectory, include the path. For example, to your download directory:
Command: python download/
Work Path: download/
This will give you a launcher on your desktop. Set a suitable icon, and launch!